Local Police and Crime Commissioners are responsible for commissioning support services for victims of crime in their area.
This follows the Government consultation ‘Getting it Right for Victims and Witnesses’ and recognises that whilst all victims must have clear expectations about how they will be treated and the support on offer, local services must have flexibility to meet the different and changing needs.
Services commissioned by the PCC will form part of a varied network of support that exists for victims across the West Midlands, funded by other commissioners and through charitable donation.
The Police and Crime Commissioner must ensure funding is spent on:
• Victims of crime, particularly victims in the priority categories outlined in the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime: Code of Practice for Victims of Crime.
• Support services for family members
• Any associated costs that arise in the process of commissioning/provision of victims’ services
• Services for victims of all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls including Hidden Harms
The Police and Crime Commissioner will work with all organisations, from the community safety and criminal justice sectors, to voluntary and community groups, to ensure the needs of victims are met through improved services, with duplication avoided.
If you are an organisation that supports victims of hidden harmful practices in the West Midlands, you are able to bid for up to £20k through the Victims Fund. This year, the fund will consider applications from organisations working to support victims of hidden harmful practices. Through the Victims Fund, Simon Foster has made £110k available for organisations and wants to shine a light on harmful practices which despite being hidden, have an immense and long-lasting impact on the victim.
Applications can be made via this link: Sums.org – Powerful cloud based software for commissioners and grant givers
Full Criteria and Evaluation Framework are available below: