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Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster will be investing a record level £174 million into policing for the West Midlands in 2025/2026.

This will mean that the total net revenue budget for West Midlands Police, including national police grant, will amount to £790 million and comes following the PCCs public engagement survey and his appearance before the Police and Crime Panel on Monday.

The PCC has to engage with the people of the West Midlands and the Police and Crime Panel on his budget and police precept proposal, but the final decision is for the PCC.

A total of 66% of people who responded to the PCCs public engagement survey supported the PCCs proposal. The Panel has also unanimously supported the PCCs plan.

The PCC said: “I am pleased to be investing a record level £174 million into policing for the West Midlands. This is the total amount I have available to invest in the West Midlands Police budget for 2025/2026.

“I am doing that because, as your democratically elected Police and Crime Commissioner, my top priority is to provide West Midlands Police with the resources it needs to prevent and tackle crime, promote community safety and keep the people of the West Midlands safe and secure.

“In return for that investment, I will be holding West Midlands Police to account and working with the Chief Constable to ensure that West Midlands Police does all within its power, to prevent and tackle crime, promote community safety and keep the people of the West Midlands safe and secure.

“For far too long, central government has failed to provide the police officers and investment that West Midlands Police needs. That is why we still have 800 fewer police officers and 500 fewer PCSOs than in 2010 and unfair funding that means £40 million a year less than we are entitled to.

“I am committed to doing all within my power to ensure that West Midlands Police has the investment and resources it needs to prevent and tackle crime, promote community safety and keep the people of the West Midlands safe and secure.”

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