S.60 Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994

Please supply the following information in terms that the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner can place on their public website, or that Corporate Communications can release to the public. This form is to be submitted in 2 stages – before and after the authorised period for the S.60.
Before the Authorised Period
Time, Date and Duration of Authority to Search |
14:00 22/1/20 until 0200 23/1/20 |
Area covered by Authority (Please attach any relevant maps) |
Sparkbrook ward see map below |
Details of Authorising Officer |
ACC Vanessa Jardine |
Reason for Authority (Brief Summary for Publication) |
From the Section 60 authorisation there were over 30 individuals stop and searched. No items were recovered from any person. The community were involved in the operation last night and the IAG remain supportive of this tactic in the defined area. I have considered the proportionality of this authorisation. The nominated area is confined to the impact area of Sparkbrook which is also a defined beat area. There is also cognisance being taken of members of the public that may be using the area to go about their business in terms of the area having local eateries etc. Officers have been specifically briefed on this. I have considered the necessity of the tactic and do consider it is necessary given the violence that has occurred and the likelihood of it reoccurring. I am authorising the section 60 in the area defined by the map between 1400 – 0200 hours |
Details of OIC (for contact or enquiries) |
Inspector Neil Kirkpatrick |
After the Authorised Period
Number of Stop/Searches Carried Out Under the Authority |
10 |
Outcomes of those Stop/Searches |
10 NFA, no arrests nothing seized |