Section 60 authorised in Lozells, for the same geography as the previous two evenings. This s60 is following a series of offences involving up to 11 males who have been entering local stores and threatening the shopkeepers with knives (involving one victim being stabbed) and a number of street robberies (where three victims have been stabbed). The s60 was active from 16:45 hrs on 9th March 2018 to 04:00 hrs on 10th March 2018 and officers were deployed into that area accordingly.
- 3 x S60 searches Wheeler Street
- 2 x S1 searches St Peters Road
- 1 x S60 search Burbury Park
- Group dispersed from park, believed towards Ryland House, and later displaced from there.
- 1 x Cannabis caution
See below map for s60 area.