Time, Date and Duration of Authority to Search |
Date: 30/04/2023 Time: 21:00hrs until 07:00 on 01/05/2023 |
Area covered by Authority (Please attach any relevant maps) |
B8 and B9 postcodes (Saltley). Image: Google Maps |

Details of Authorising Officer |
ACC Mike O’Hara |
Reason for Authority (Brief Summary for Publication) |
#POWERS | We’ll be using Section 60 powers in Birmingham East tonight after several incidents of disorder following the arrests of seven people suspected of being involved in a firearms incident in Hockley. Section 60 powers enable us to stop and search people we suspect may be involved in violence, without the need to have reasonable grounds. The powers will cover the B8 and B9 postcodes of the city, as on the map, and we’ll have increased patrols in place. Our priority is to keep you safe. If you have any information on gun or knife crime, contact us on Live Chat on our website west-midlands.police.uk. In an emergency dial 999. |
Details of OIC (for contact or enquiries) |
After the Authorised Period
Number of Stop/Searches Carried Out Under the Authority |
Outcomes of those Stop/Searches |