This meeting will begin at 10am on 27th September 2022
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 2 - Minutes of the Last Meeting
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 4 - Questions from Board Members
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 5 - Access to Services
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 6 - OPCC Fairness and Belonging
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 6 - WMP Fairness and Belonging
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 6 - OPCC Fairness and Belonging Annex 1
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 7 - Reducing Violence
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 9 - Finance Monitoring
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 11a - Workplan
SPCB 27.09.22 - Agenda Item 11b - Actions and Further Lines of Inquiry