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Violence is a public health issue, it affects lives, families and communities.  Living without the fear of violence is a fundamental requirement for health and wellbeing.  It affects mental health and prevents people from participating fully in society.  There is nothing inevitable about violence, it can be reduced and stopped, many of the key risk factors that make individuals, families or communities vulnerable to violence are changeable.  Action can be taken by public agencies, the voluntary sector, and by communities and individuals.  In order to have the greatest impact, actions need to be co-ordinated and targeted, using evidence of where problems are, and the science of what works in tackling root causes.  We have evidence of where violence is most likely to occur, who the victims and perpetrators are, and what the costs and consequences are. 

West Midlands Police and Public Health England have agreed to work jointly to develop a West Midlands Violence Prevention Alliance.  The Alliance will be a member of the World Health Organisation and the West Midlands is the first area in England to adopt a Public Health approach to violence reduction.


  • wmpcc-028-2015-violence-prevention-alliance