- West Midlands Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault and Abuse Standards
The standards have been created in the last year by multi-agency partners including those from health, local authorities, the specialist support sector, police, criminal justice and others and has been led through the OPCC led West Midlands Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault and Abuse Boards.
These standards will help organisation to prepare for occasions where they may need to work with those impacted by domestic abuse and/or sexual assault and abuse and to feel confident in how to respond to them to ensure they get the most appropriate support. A self-assessment/audit tool will also shortly be available to support agencies to assess their progress towards the standards and identify areas of improvement.
- West Midlands Competencies, Training and Development Framework for Tackling Exploitation and Abuse
A good practice guidance framework for individuals, organisations and senior leaders to support their response to tackling exploitation and abuse.
- Best Practice Guidelines for ethical co-design of Ending Male Violence Against Women and Girls campaigns with underrepresented communities
The Best Practice Guidelines for ethical co-design of ‘Ending Male Violence Against Women and Girls’ campaigns with underrepresented communities was funded by Safer Streets 4 to support communications professionals when working on campaigns to strengthen approaches to co-production and co-design. While these are intended for VAWG campaigns specifically, the guidelines may have value for designing other campaigns in underrepresented communities.
- Noexcuseforabuse (NEFA) website link – No Excuse for Abuse
The No Excuse for Abuse website holds resources, information, previous campaigns and support for those impacted by Violence Against Women and Girls.
This central hub provides advice and guidance for victims of abuse of any kind, directing them towards vital information and the support services available in their area. It will continue to be updated regularly, with useful resources and further information about the No Excuse For Abuse campaigns, to help people across the region explore ways of engaging with the important work being done.
- VRP Toolkit For Faith Communities
6. West Midlands Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Practice Framework and Pledge
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and associated harms are life changing crimes and as such, there is no place for them in society. Organisations working in the West Midlands Metropolitan area (Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall, Wolverhampton) are committed to adopting a partnership approach to ending interpersonal abuse and exploitation.
This practice framework draws together the views of partners on the necessary steps to build regional capability in ensuring a proactive response to FGM and associated harms. There is also the ability for agencies to sign and return the pledge at the end of the document and come together to work in partnership to improve wider system responses to FGM across the West Midlands. This document gives the related actions and tools to support improvement for all organisations and will be refreshed bi-annually to reflect the improvements made and seek to address ongoing gaps.
FGM Downloads
7. West Midlands Sexual Assault and Abuse Mental Health Needs Assessment
Download the summary
8. WM HBA Framework