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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster has reacted to the news that the government has launched a consultation into the proposed change in governance of policing powers in the region.

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, said: “I have forced the Mayor and the Home Secretary into a humiliating climb down, as a consequence of the legal action I have taken, in order to defend democracy and the rights of the people I represent.

“The Mayor’s decision to attempt a hostile takeover of the Police and Crime Commissioner powers has been exposed for what it is – a cynical, divisive and illegal power grab.

“The Home Secretary has now hastily announced a consultation in connection with the Mayor’s plans, after he has already approved them.

“This is a farce and it smacks of desperation. The Mayor and Home Secretary are trying to shore up an amateurish, incompetent and illegal decision after the event.

“The arrogant and high-handed Mayor and Home Secretary are treating the people of the West Midlands with contempt and taking us for fools.

“I urge members of the public to send a clear message to both of them: enough is enough, we will not be treated with contempt and we will not be taken for fools.

“Please take part in the public consultation: defend democracy, your rights and reject this cynical, divisive and illegal power grab. It can be found here: West Midlands police and crime commissioner functions transfer – GOV.UK (

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