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With funding from the West Midlands OPCC via the Modern Slavery Police Transformation Unit in 2019, West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network have produced a multi lingual explanatory document which explains in detail, the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for use by First Responders for survivors of Modern Slavery at the point of identification in the West Midlands.

It will include realistic and accurate information from professionals about the process a survivor could expect if they were to consent to an NRM referral and the potential outcomes and opportunities if they decided not to consent to an NRM referral. The ‘accessing support as a victim of modern slavery (adult)’ document can be downloaded in Albanian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Lithuanian, Latvian, Slovakian, Romanian, Roma, Polish and Vietnamese as well as English here.

West Midlands Anti-Slavery Network: National Referral Mechanism Explanatory Document: