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With party season now well under way, Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster, has warned there is no excuse for abuse, when out and about in pubs and clubs.

With the usual work outings and festive celebrations now taking place across the West Midlands, he has issued a stark warning to potential offenders, while also offering support to those impacted by this behaviour.

He said behaviour, particularly towards women, will not be tolerated and warned potential offenders to check themselves and not to cross the line in these spaces, on the street, and on public transport.

He has supported West Midlands Police, as they today launch their campaign highlighting work going on to help victims, while also signposting people to his own specialist No Excuse for Abuse website.

This central hub provides advice and guidance for victims of abuse of any kind, directing them towards vital information and the support services available in their area. It will continue to be updated regularly, with useful resources and further information about the No Excuse For Abuse campaigns, to help people across the region explore ways of engaging with the important work being done.

Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster said: “The party season is one of the highlights of the calendar for many. It should be, and can be, a time of great joy. But it’s also a time when we see a rise in sexual assaults and harassment in bars and clubs.

“There is never an excuse for abuse of any kind. What some people might think of as harmless fun or banter, can actually be a serious criminal offence that has a devastating impact on its victim, and it takes all of us to eradicate it for good.

“We all enjoy meeting up with family, friends and colleagues in the run up to Christmas, but sadly this can lead to a rise in sexual assaults and harassment, when people are out and about, with the intention of enjoying themselves.

“There is no excuse for abuse. It is everyone’s responsibility to play their part in ensuring the Christmas party season is a time for celebration, happiness and joy and not a time for abuse, intimidation and violence.”

“There is more than one way to intervene in a situation, it doesn’t have to be a confrontation.

“People can notify someone else, for example, a bartender or a police officer, or, if they feel comfortable doing so, calmly speak to the person behaving inappropriately, directly in a safe manner. “If you feel there is a likely threat of violence towards the victim or yourself, you need to prioritise the safety and welfare of you both and you should then contact the police, by calling 999.”

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