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The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner says he will do everything possible to protect the number of Police Community Support Officers in our region.

Simon Foster’s pledge comes on the 20th anniversary of PCSOs, which were introduced in 2002.

As government funding fell after 2010, the number of PCSOs in the West Midlands dropped to 464 by 2022. But the PCC insists he will do everything in his power to protect them, as outlined in his Police and Crime plan.

The PCSOs work with police officers to provide an increased presence and to prevent and tackle crime. They share some, but not all of their powers.  

Whilst PCSOs can’t make an arrest, they regularly link up with their police officer colleagues to do so. However, they do have the authority to give out fixed penalty notices for things like littering, can demand someone’s address if they are being anti-social and take alcohol off someone who is under 18.

But the PCC appreciates how valuable the PCSOs are when it comes to preventing and tackling crime and building trust and confidence in policing throughout the West Midlands.

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, said: “PCSOs were introduced 20 years ago and have made a fantastic contribution to keeping our region safe and secure.”

“They are a key part of neighbourhood policing and provide preventative, proactive, problem solving and visible policing for our communities across the West Midlands. I continue to do all I can to protect their numbers, despite the huge financial pressures the force has been under for the last 12 years.”

“They are highly valued by the communities they serve, by the Chief Constable and by me.

“Cuts to West Midlands Police led to their number shrinking since 2010, but I am committed to protect them, as I recognise just how important a contribution they make to all of our safety and security.”

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